Thursday, September 1, 2011

Terrible Two's !?!

Sometimes I peek into the window of my daughters classroom to see how she interacts and plays with the other children. I have to admit it is truly shocking how calm, cool, and collected she is. She shares, takes turns, and is even beginning to show signs of emerging empathy and concern for others as she attempts to soothe a crying or upset friend. She plays cooperatively and with every request of her teacher she complies happily, exclaiming "Sure"! She sits quietly and eats her food, cleans up after herself, and even reads stories to herself, starting each book she cracks open with "Once upon a time".
 So why....why...why as soon as she spots me lurking in the plastic plants trying (often failing) to blend in so she does not see me she turns into this....

A terrible two.
(Can you tell I love this graphic)

Demanding, Impulsive, and very, very strong willed. As a teacher, I know to discipline means "to teach" and provide guidance, but as a mom I am finding myself constantly struggling with the guilt of possibly being too harsh. Anyone else out there in the world in the same boat as me? Discuss!

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