Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Just Plain Awesome.

I loooovvvvveee me some Kanye West. Say what you want, he's cocky, an a**hole, egotistical, he's exactly the type of guy I usually fall for...then crushes my heart into a million peices. Anywhoo...I found the most awesome awesomeness and Kanye is a part of it.

It's Rockabye Baby and it's just plain Awesome.
Kanye West

Rockabye Baby takes your favorite artist's songs and turns them into Lullaby's. So Cute! Here are some of Kanye's...

Can you guess what this one is?

"Hey Mama" is probably my favorite...

1 comment:

  1. Cool chica!! My mom told me a long time ago that you can sing anything to a baby in lullaby form and they will fall asleep!! lol!!


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